Mr. Speaker, I would just like to bring to the Chair's attention that a point of privilege on this very same matter came before the House last Friday.
I would also like to advise the Chair that at the finance committee meeting last Friday when this matter first came to light as a result of the article in the Globe and Mail that morning, the committee did spend extensive time discussing it. I think the record will show this. I urge the Chair to look at the transcript of the committee, if it is available as it was an in camera session. The members on the finance committee unanimously agreed that the situation that had occurred was unacceptable and passed a resolution requiring the chair to undertake a full investigation of what happened on behalf of all the members so that we could all know.
I just wanted the Chair to know that since last Friday this issue is being dealt with by the chair of the finance committee. I just raise that for your attention, Mr. Speaker.