Mr. Speaker,
Well, we've got trouble my friend Right here, I say trouble right here in Liberal City
Why sure, it's the patronage They're always mighty proud to say they're always mighty proud to say it
They consider that the time that they spend with a lobbyist friend is golden
Helps 'em cultivate good friends with the big cheques and the wish lists
Did you ever take and try and give an ironclad leave to yourself when there's Liberal hacks involved?
Well, I call that the trough the first big step on the road to the depths of degradation, I say now first, medicinal wine from a teaspoon, then beer from a bottle
And the next thing you know their buddies are working while ordinary folks get squat
Listening to some big out of town jasper Hearin' him talk about holiday time and guaranteed wage, all taxpayer paid
Makes your blood boil, well I should say Now friends let me tell you what I mean
You've got 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 patronage appointments Appointments that mark the difference between a gentleman and a Grit
And that starts with G and it rhymes with T and that stands for trouble
Oh, we got trouble We got terrible, terrible trouble Those Liberal handouts are the sign of the devil's tool
Yes, we've got trouble, trouble, trouble We got trouble here. We got great big trouble with a T and that rhymes with G and that stands for Grits Right here in Liberal City