Mr. Speaker, this is the week when we pay special attention to those among us who have the challenges of living with physical disabilities.
Most of us do not think very often of the blessing of health we enjoy, but it is important to be especially considerate of those who are not so blessed.
I think today of my sister who has lived with cerebral palsy all her life. I think of my friend Rudy, who, though younger than I, is totally disabled with Parkinson's disease and confined to his wheelchair. I think of Mark who faces the daily challenges of living with multiple sclerosis.
When we want to get up to go to a different place in the room, we just get up and go without even thinking of it. These people and thousands of others do not have this priceless privilege. They are locked into the limitations of their bodies.
Our thoughts are with them today, our friends who live so courageously from day to day.