Mr. Speaker, we were distressed to learn yesterday of the death of Michel Bélanger, who finally lost his long battle with an incurable illness.
Mr. Bélanger is one of the great Quebeckers devoted to the service of their country with a vision of the future that arose from a knowledge and a great understanding of the history of Quebec and Canada.
Universally respected in the worlds of business and politics, Mr. Bélanger was always keen to contribute to the workings of government. He also wanted to ensure that our society continued to evolve as it had, because it was clear to him that Quebec was meant to be within Canada.
We are all aware of Mr. Bélanger's contribution from the start of the Quiet Revolution in Quebec to the present. In both the public and private sectors he acted with vision, wisdom and reason.
Canada has lost a formidable ally and builder. Our condolences—