Mr. Speaker, I rise in the House to draw attention to the 4.2 Canadian women who die each day from a silent killer. I speak of ovarian cancer, which is fatal for 70 per cent of its victims. This mortality
rate has not improved in over 30 years. There is no known cure, yet less than .2 per cent of basic cancer research goes to ovarian cancer.
Corinne Boyer was a victim of this silent killer. Her dream was to raise funds for ovarian cancer research, to find a cure and to change these fatal statistics. I am proud and pleased to tell the House that Corinne's husband, Patrick Boyer, took up her cause and today launched the Corinne Boyer Fund for Ovarian Cancer Research.
On behalf of women globally, I thank you Patrick for your commitment to fight this disease and your leadership in raising the profile of women's health. Together we will find a cure for ovarian cancer. Together we will fulfil Corinne's dream.