Mr. Speaker, a year and a half ago the Yukon community was saddened by the death of Susan Klassen who was strangled and killed by her husband. He was found not guilty of murder and was sentenced for the lesser crime of manslaughter and could be eligible for day parole in a year.
In a matter of days, 900 people in the Yukon signed petitions demanding an appeal of the case. Another 300 gathered for a protest march in minus 40 degree weather. I understand there were 1,200 letters sent from Edmonton where Ms. Klassen's family resides and many other requests for action have been received.
The community outrage at the sentence resulted in an unprecedented mobilization for two demands. The first asks the Minister of Justice to obtain a second legal opinion to ascertain whether there are grounds for an appeal. The second calls for changes to the Criminal Code to amend the statutory defence of provocation.
I ask the minister to seriously review these requests and respond to them publicly.