Mr. Speaker, talk about a flip-flop. First the Prime Minister said last fall that it is fine and the commission can have all the time it needs. Now he says that it is good enough and it will just be shut down. This government and this defence minister have castrated the commission. It is as simple as that. They have cut it off. They have not allowed it to do its work. This Prime Minister knows full well that it is not able to get to the post-deployment phase, which it thought it was going to have time to do.
We need to hear from witnesses like Major Buonamici and Barry Armstrong, whose allegations first initiated the whole Somalia inquiry.
The Minister of National Defence says that Canadians do not really want a historical document. I think he is quite right, but what they do want is the truth.
Why cannot Barry Armstrong be allowed to testify and Bob Fowler be forced to testify?