Mr. Speaker, the people of Canada elected a Liberal government to protect our much valued health care system. It is for this reason our government convened the National Forum on Health to propose solutions to the challenges that our health care system will face in the 21st century.
I would like to report to the House that the residents of York North played an active role in the national forum's work. We held a town hall forum on health and a number of meetings to develop solid suggestions to respond to the strains of rising health care costs and an aging population within our fiscal framework.
Our conclusions were clear and straightforward. In order for Canadians to take greater responsibility for their health, they need better access to accurate information. Furthermore, participants called upon the federal government to preserve and enhance the publicly funded elements of our universal health care network and uphold the principles of the Canada Health Act. I am pleased to tell the House that these suggestions are reflected in the forum's final report "Building on the Legacy".
The residents of York North are firm believers of the public consultation process. They have seen historically their suggestions become government policy.