Mr. Speaker, workers at Bristol Aerospace in Winnipeg have called on all three levels of government to form a working group to monitor the sale of Bristol Aerospace and to make sure that the sale is conducted in the best interest of the city of Winnipeg and of the workers at Bristol Aerospace.
They have approached all three levels of government and have some measure of agreement from all three levels of government to at least participate in a preliminary process. But they are at a point now where they have not heard back from the people on the federal
side as to when a meeting might be held, and they are very anxious that this meeting be held.
Therefore I am on my feet today to urge the Liberals, whoever is responsible for making sure this happens, to convene a meeting of that working group as soon as possible so we can make sure this sale transpires in the interests of the city of Winnipeg and of the workers. I want to make sure we do not have another instance of people losing their jobs in Winnipeg as we have had over the last few weeks where plant after plant seems to be shutting down as a result of the combined policies of the Liberal federal government and the Conservative provincial government.
Here is an opportunity to do something and I hope the Liberals will soon act to make this working group a reality.