Motion No. 38
That Bill C-32, in Clause 18, be amended by adding after line 8 on page 42 the following:
"30.9 It is not an infringement of copyright for any broadcaster to a ) reproduce any work or other subject-matter that it is legally entitled to broadcast, where it does so for the purposes of transferring that work or other subject-matter to a technical format that is appropriate for the purposes of its broadcasts, providing that the reproduction:
(i) is essential for the compatibility of the broadcast medium,
(ii) is used solely to facilitate the day-to-day operations of the broadcaster, and
(iii) is, when the broadcaster ceases to be legally entitled to broadcast the work or other subject-matter, immediately destroyed by the broadcaster; or b ) make a single reproduction for backup purposes of any work or other subject-matter reproduced under paragraph ( a ), providing the reproduction for backup purposes is destroyed by the broadcaster immediately following the broadcast of the original subject-matter for which a backup was made.''