Mr. Speaker, I have mentioned before in the House the lack of research funding for a disease which affects a large proportion of the population of Canada, particularly women. That disease is fibromyalgia.
On April 12 of this year the first International Fibromyalgia Conference for western Canada will begin at the Sheraton Landmark Hotel in Vancouver. This conference will bring together fibromyalgia suffers and experts from around the world to share information about the disease and how to cope with its effects.
I urge members on the health committee of the House to make themselves familiar with the disease of fibromyalgia and the impact that it has on the lives of its sufferers and their families, and to ensure that representatives of the fibromyalgia sufferers are invited to be witnesses in any future considerations of funding or bills which may have an impact upon them.
For further information about fibromyalgia or the upcoming conference members can call 604-540-0488.