Motion No. 105
That Bill C-44 be amended by adding after line 7, on page 74, the following:
"131.2 Section 18 of the Act is renumbered as subsection 18(1) and is amended by adding the following:
(2) An authority shall take measures to permit masters and officers to obtain pilotage certificates, to perform pilotage duties on the ship on which they are a regular member of the complement.
131.3 The portion of the English version of subsection 22(1) of the Act after paragraph ( b ) is replaced by the following:
issue a licence or pilotage certificate to the applicant, but no pilotage certificate shall be issued to an applicant therefor unless the Authority is satisfied that the applicant has a degree of skill and local knowledge of the waters of the compulsory pilotage area comparable to that required of an applicant for a licence for that compulsory pilotage area."
Motion No. 106
That Bill C-44 be amended by adding after line 7, on page 74, the following:
131.4 Section 22 of the Act is amended by adding the following after subsection (1):
(1.1) Determination of whether an applicant for a pilotage certificate has comparable skill and knowledge to an applicant for a licence, may be made through a ship simulator testing program or other mutually agreeable practical testing method."
Motion No. 109
That Bill C-44 be amended by adding after line 11, on page 76, the following:
"136.4 Section 52 of the Act is amended by adding the following after paragraph ( a ):
(a.1) prescribing requirements for the approval of simulator training courses or other mutually agreable practical testing method for issuance of pilotage certificates;"
Motion No. 110
That Bill C-44, in Clause 137, be amended by replacing line 20 on page 76 with the following:
"area designations, ships or classes of ships subject to compulsory pilotage, dispute resolution mecha-"