Motion No. 4
That Bill C-44, in Clause 3, be amended by replacing line 8 on page 3 with the following:
"that provides equal treatment for all ports and harbours within Canada that meet the criteria set out in subsection 6(1) and that provides Canada with the marine"
Motion No. 6
That Bill C- 44, in Clause 3, be amended by replacing lines 19 and 20 on page 3 with the following:
"vices are organized to satisfy the needs of users and the needs of the community in which a port or harbour is located and are available at reasonable cost"
Motion No. 7
That Bill C-44, in Clause 3, be amended by replacing line 32 on page 3 with the following:
"from users and the community in which a port or harbour is located;"
Motion No. 9
That Bill C-44 be amended by adding after line 37, on page 3, the following:
"3.1 For the purpose of paragraph 3( g ), ``disposition'' means the offering of a port or harbour, first, to the province in which the port or harbour is located, second, to the municipality in which the port or harbour is located and, third, to any other bona fide purchaser who meets the criteria set out by the Minister.''