Mr. Speaker, I rise in the House today to recognize national book day and to acknowledge the importance of Canada's printing industry to our economy.
The advent of the printing press changed the face of the world. It advanced math, literacy and the spread of information, paving the way for modern democracy.
In 1751 the first printing company opened in Canada and today most of us can name a friend or relative employed in this industry. The printing industry is primarily Canadian owned and employs more than 75,000 Canadians working in 3,200 establishments across the country. Another 85,000 are employed in the fine paper industry that supplies their presses. The printing industry is the fourth largest manufacturing employer in the nation, producing $8 billion in shipments this year. Exports to the United States alone increased by 13 per cent.
Canada's commercial printing industry is dominated by small firms, with 82 per cent employing fewer than 20 persons. They also use some of the most advanced technologies available.
We should be proud of this industry, one that continues to prosper, adding to a healthy Canadian economy.