No, no. Now we are starting a little crescendo here. It is a wonderful thing. They can say anything they want when they are running because they know darn well that none of it will come to pass with this current minister. The current minister laughs at people who ask to abolish section 745.
Mr. Gary Rosenfeldt phoned me in my office the last week we were here and asked us to keep the pressure on the minister. He is so out of touch with reality that he thinks he is right. He tells the victims of Clifford Olson that it is too bad, that Olson will taunt them, that is what they have to put up with and that is just the way it is. He tries to blame the Reform Party and all that stuff.
The worm is turning. In their own ranks now, at least two in B.C, Liberals have had an Epiphany, a change on the road to Damascus. They come forward now advocating the elimination of section 745. At least one of them said not just hang all the beggars but hang all the pedophiles.
The local school trustee got a hold of me and said that he was a parole officer with 60 pedophiles whom he monitors and works with in the community. He asked whether the local mayor would round them all up and have a public hanging. What is it with these Liberals?
I will say what it is. The Liberals will say anything they think they need to say to get elected. When the get on that side of the House they will do whatever they darn well please. Liberals have no interest in the rights of the victims. Liberals have no interest in true justice. Liberals say that sexual offences are one free one for the road. Liberals will do that.
That is why the people in my riding are writing letters to the editor saying: "It is about time. If you are going to run as a Liberal you had better act as a Liberal. That kind of nonsense will not get you to first base. You cannot try to win votes by threatening to hang everybody in town, knowing that the justice minister will tell you to be a good little boy, shut up and sit in the corner".