He said that. That is interesting. All pedophiles should be hung at the end of a rope until dead and not just Clifford Olson. They should be round up. It would clean out the prisons. Is that not interesting?
It is a new Liberal philosophy. I heard of running on the left and then ruling from the right, but this guy is not satisfied by just hanging Clifford Olson, which many people might agree with. He said we should round up the pedophiles, drop them through the old six-foot drop and see how many come out the other end.
I asked him whether he knew what happens when people get to Ottawa with such tremendous ideas. People get to mention them once. A little birdie comes along and says that they have a seat for them. It is called the back corner next to the wall, just one step from nowhereville. That is what happens to a Liberal who comes up with that kind of nonsense.
It is interesting. It is not enough that he wants to do the old long necktie stroke on these guys. The next thing that happened was in an adjoining riding, what used to be Fraser Valley West. The hon. member for Fraser Valley West will be running against a fellow by the name of Peter Warkentin who is a good Liberal. He said that they would work to abolish section 745 because that is what the people want.