Mr. Speaker, I wonder how long the good people of British Columbia are going to put up with this Liberal government.
Since we got elected in 1993 a lot of things have happened in British Columbia. For instance, we lost our harbours police and we lost two military bases in British Columbia thanks to this Liberal government.
Our B.C. RCMP has been reduced to a 9 to 5 police force thanks to the cutbacks in the operation budget by the Liberal government.
Our B.C. fishing industry has been torn apart by the Liberal government. B.C. land claim issues have been a mystery to most of our residents and the beleaguered taxpayer is still picking up the bill. We have a major drug problem and this government does not even have a decent national drug strategy.
I ask all members in this House and I ask the people of British Columbia, just what is it over here that this government intends to do with British Columbia?