Mr. Speaker, there is a serious income crisis on farms throughout western Canada and this Liberal government is insulting prairie farmers by denying that such a crisis exists. Farmers are being abandoned by this Liberal government.
Why is the minister hiding behind the fiction that NISA will save the day? Farmers and their families know that NISA is far from adequate. NISA is supposed to stand for Net Income Stabilization Account. Instead it has come to portray this Liberal government's callous attitude. The letters in NISA now mean “not interested in supporting agriculture”.
The European-United States subsidy war is wreaking havoc on Canadian farmers, so we need to support prairie farmers through modified safety net programs and we need to review ways to reduce farm input costs. We cannot deny it.
In Canada we have a farm income crisis on our hands. Just how bad does the on-farm situation have to get before serious attention is given to this impending disaster?