Mr. Speaker, if I had one reason to reform the Senate, that would be worthy of consideration. If I had 10 reasons, surely that would merit even more serious consideration. Today I have not one, not 10, but 7,009 reasons for Senate reform.
Point one: So 7,000 petitions from Alberta brought by QR77's Dave Rutherford get a hearing before they go into the Prime Minister's trash bin.
Point two: So Canadians are not lying when they say live in a democracy.
Point three: So Plato and Socrates do not role over in their graves.
Point four: So the world can see that Canada is not a banana republic run by a pepper eating dictator.
Point five: So Canadians can hold senators like Andrew Thompson directly accountable for subsidized siestas.
Point six: So senators do not get pensions they have not shown up to earn.
Point seven: So senators feel more inclined to show up for their 65 day work year.
Point eight: So citizens across the country are treated equally.
Point nine: So Liberals can no longer appoint their hacks and bagmen who fail to get elected.
Point ten: So 91% of Albertans get the respect they deserve.