To address the issue of small weeks adjustment projects, two 18-month pilot projects were established covering a total of 29 employment insurance, EI, regions where the unemplyment rate was above 10%. One of the main reasons these projects were put in place is to help supplement the weekly benefits for those who qualify.
Human Resources Development Canada, HRDC, is currently reviewing available information on the small weeks adjustment projects and will be considering whether they should be renewed.
Preliminary results indicate that between the implementation in May and August 1997, 130,000 claims have been established with small weeks of work.
These results also indicated that more women, 61%, that men are small week claimants, and individuals, both men and women, who participated in the projects received, on average, $19 more per week. This is an increase of about 10% on their benefit level.
Currently, 18 of the 22 regions in Atlantic Canada and Quebec participate in the projects. Ontario has 5 regions out of 16 participating and western Canada has 6 participating regions out of 16. As the projects are directed toward high unemployment regions, over 51% of the claims originated from Quebec and 35% from the Atlantic provinces.
The Government of Canada understands how important these projects are to the New Brunswick economy, and all EI regions in New Brunswick are covered by the adjustment projects.
Upon completion of the review of the small weeks projects, HRDC will then be in a position to announce the government's decision.