Nobody gives out jobs to their political friends better than Liberals. That member across the way who heckled about Liberal jobs knows only too well about patronage. This institution is full of people who got jobs because of their friendship with the Prime Minister or other members across the way. But I do not think that is the way to provide employment in this country. I do not think that is the solution. I think the Liberal job creation strategy of patronage puts the taxpayers on the hook for these types of things and that is not the way it should go. I have never door knocked a small businessperson in this country who told me they want to make sure there is full employment in this country and, therefore, every Liberal hack across the land should get a job, and a good patronage one at that. I have never heard them say that yet.
The default rate under the Small Business Loans Act is nearly 10 times higher than in the private sector. The changes that the government wants to make will make it even worse. How is the government helping small businesses by giving them more rope to hang themselves with? That is not what they are asking for. Small business across the country is asking for tax cuts, less regulation and less government interference. They want government out of their face and the Liberal government will not give it to them. It comes back again and again. It is always meddling with private business in this country.
The Liberals think it is more important to give money to foreign aid than they think it is to give tax cuts. They think it is more important to forgive foreign banks their debts, to the tune of hundreds of millions or billions of dollars—