I have said often in the House that the debate about employment insurance is not whether to reduce employment insurance premiums but by how much. This government has clearly demonstrated over the years that there is a commitment to reduce employment insurance premiums.
While the hon. member continues to provide us with rhetoric what I am trying to do is lay out the facts for Canadians as they are.
The government has already pursued a deficit reduction strategy that was deliberate, responsible and successful. Now that the government's finances are on track we have entered a new era of fiscal responsibility that includes debt reduction.
Much like we eliminated the deficit, we have committed to continue to keep the debt to GDP ratio on a downward track. If Canadians look at our record and look at history, this government since 1993 when faced with a $42 billion deficit committed to eliminate it. We have.
We have committed now to keep paying down the debt and to ensure the debt to GDP ratio is on a downward track. We will continue to so and will not waver from this course.