I am informed by the departments of fisheries and oceans, justice and solicitor general as follows:
(a) The following is a summary of the enforcement resources expended in the Fraser River and Port Alberni in response to protest fisheries aimed at the aboriginal pilot sales for 1995, 1996 and 1997:
Manpower 1995: $11,000 1996: $36,700 1997: $101,700
Equipment 1995: $700 1996: $16,600 1997: $37,000
Other resources 1995: $0 1996: $0 1997: $0
(b) Fraser River:
1995: $274,624 1996: $108,420 1997: $103,888
Port Alberni:
No data was recovered for the years 1995, 1996 and 1997 for the Port Alberni area. This type of data is not readily available as E division of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police did not track this data as a matter of course until 1998.
(c) There were no costs incurred in 1995. The total estimated costs for 1996 and 1997 together is $34,299.66. Unfortunately it is not possible to break this total down into the individual years.