Mr. Speaker, I thank my hon. colleague for that question. I can certainly understand where he is coming from.
I have been very fortunate to be on the front lines working in a constituency office and addressing some of these concerns over the past years when there have been crises within our communities in the farming sector.
I believe the revamping of the farm debt review board has a program that will help some of these farmers. Being a farmer in my past life, we always think next year will be a better year. Sometimes our pride gets ahead of common sense a little by thinking that another struggling effort can be made to put in the crops.
With this program farmers can actually access information to see if there is a possibility of them continuing next year. They can see the avenues or how they could change their farming practices. I think it will be tapped into on a regular basis in the next few months.
I look forward to tomorrow's outcome when we have the provincial ministers and agricultural leaders in town. These are the people who will give us the best answers as to how we address this national disaster program.