Mr. Speaker, plummeting prices for grains and hogs are causing great hardships for many farmers and their families. If government assistance is not available soon, a very bad situation will become worse.
I have received appeals and suggestions from Peterborough County Federation of Agriculture and I have spoken to hog farmers in my riding. They all emphasize that an extremely serious and worsening situation exists. They all stress that action is needed now before a catastrophe occurs. Hogs are being sold out of Peterborough county at a dead loss of tens of thousands of dollars. This is a matter which is out of the control of farmers.
Retail prices have not changed. It would be interesting to know what the processors, wholesalers and retailers are doing with the excess profits at this time when farmers are hurting. I urge the minister of agriculture to produce an income relief plan soon. I urge that this plan target producing farmers with a very great emphasis on small operators. I also urge that the plan be designed to lay the groundwork for much greater farm income security in the future.
Various groups, including the Canadian Federation of Agriculture, have made excellent suggestions in this regard for approaches which would not be subject to countervail.
This is a provincial and federal matter. I urge all the provinces to support any initiative which our minister proposes. It is important that the minister act as soon as possible. Even the news of an effective plan would give the banks confidence to hang in with our farmers.
I have spoken to the minister about this on a number of occasions. I know his heart is with all the farmers affected by this crisis and their families. I know he is working hard to produce an effective, far reaching plan of action. I urge him to act as soon as humanly possible.
Our thoughts and prayers are with all farmers and their families across Canada who are experiencing hardship at this time.