Mr. Speaker,
It looked extremely rocky for the Liberals that day Their game plan had been tossed out in a prime ministerial way Though once they had been way ahead, their spirits now seemed flat Perhaps it would be turned around, with JC at the bat
The crowd was getting restless, discontent was in the air There hadn't been a bunt, or hit or action anywhere So on that stricken multitude a death-like silence sat For JC mighty JC was advancing to the bat
Canadians were shivering as he taxed away their shirts And crouched dumbfounded as he rubbed their noses in the dirt Then when a poor Canadian lobbed one from the hip Defiance glanced in JC's eye, a sneer on JC's lip
“Resign, please resign”, we heard someone from the back And JC would have throttled him, but the Whip stopped the attack He couldn't really care less where Canadians were at Though all the things that worried them were there for JC's bat
Oh somewhere in this favoured world the sun is shining bright The band is playing somewhere, and somewhere hearts are light And somewhere men are laughing, and somewhere children shout But there is no joy in Canada, mighty JC has struck out.