Madam Speaker, I rise to express my sorrow that the Dene of Deline on Great Bear Lake in the Northwest Territories continue to be treated with disrespect and callous disregard by the government. I share the sadness that members of the community feel as their pleas for immediate crisis assistance continue to be ignored by the government.
Since March 20 of this year members of the community felt hope that after decades of neglect their tragic story and the grave injustices inflicted upon their people would be addressed. The Dene of Deline listened as the Minister of Indian Affairs and Northern Development stood in the House on March 30 and stated “the government takes this issue very seriously”.
The country listened to the minister state on CBC National Radio on Saturday, May 17:
We are deeply concerned about potential impacts associated with the historic uranium mining operations in the NWT.
The country listened as the minister further stated her government's position:
—which is making sure that today, and on a go-forward basis, we are protecting the communities and the people.
The potential impacts have occurred. A people are devastated by radiation deaths in Deline and along the route the ore carriers travelled from the north to Fort McMurray. The impacts are the loss of an entire generation of elders who pass on the traditional knowledge and honourable ways to the next generations.
The impacts are the result of a federal government's inexcusable disregard and contempt for not warning the Dene in the early 1930s when the effects of these, to use the government's words, deadly and insidious substances were first identified. With a warning the people could have protected their families and their children. The families travelled with the ore carriers exposing an entire generation to the uranium radiation dangers carried on their backs in burlap sacks.
At the United Nations conference on human rights this past weekend in Edmonton this tragic story was told before representatives from countries around the globe. Six months has passed since the minister issued grand statements of caring and action. Since her empty statements Dene representatives appeared before the House Standing Committee on Environment and Sustainable Development. Elder Baton after 30 years told the Deline story. Members were shocked. Some moved to tears.
Dene representatives met with the minister and her colleagues in June and left with hope. They still wait.
A community delegation travelled to Hiroshima in August to express their sorrow and to apologize that they did not know they were assisting in war and would contribute to the nuclear bombs that killed thousands.
I raise today the travesty that continues through the government's inaction.
This community of honour does not deserve the dishonourable treatment meted out by this government before Canadians and the world.
I ask today for the honourable answer. Where is the immediate crisis assistance? Where is the funding for the community's 14 point plan? Or will this government admit today that these past six months have been empty promises and false hopes?