The oral question period that just ended was a little more difficult than usual for all members. One must realize, as I do, that we sometimes get a little carried away during question period.
During today's oral question period, one member, the Prime Minister, used the word “hypocrisy”. I asked him not to use that word, and when the hon. member for Roberval took the floor, he also used the word “hypocrisy”. I asked him not to use such a word and, later, for some reason, the hon. member said that another member was a “hypocrite”.
I find this language to be unparliamentary. I asked my colleague, the hon. member for Roberval, to withdraw his comment that another member was a hypocrite, but he would only do so if the other member also withdrew his comments.
It is now up to me, as Speaker of the House, to make a decision.
This is not a simple decision to make, and I once again address myself directly to my colleague, the hon. member for Roberval, for whom I have a great deal of respect. I respectfully ask him to withdraw the word he used, when he said that another member was a “hypocrite”.
I address myself directly to the hon. member for Roberval and I ask him to withdraw his comments.