moved the second reading of, and concurrence in, amendments made by the Senate to Bill C-25, an act to amend the National Defence Act and to make consequential amendments to other acts.
Mr. Speaker, I am going to keep this very brief. Bill C-25, an act to amend the National Defence Act and to make consequential amendments to other acts, has returned to the House with an amendment from the other place.
Bill C-25 was first introduced in the House a year ago today. On behalf of the government and the men and women of the Department of National Defence and the Canadian forces, I would like to commend the Senators for their thorough review of the issues in Bill C-25.
The bill is a key element in the program of comprehensive change for both the department and the forces and is much anticipated by the men and women in those organizations.
The Senate has proposed one change to clause 96 of Bill C-25. Clause 96 provides for a review of the provisions and operation of the bill within five years, and the tabling of a report of the review before each House of Parliament.
The amendment made by the Senate changes the requirement for a report of the review of the bill to be made within five years to a requirement for an independent review and report to be tabled before both Houses every five years.
The government is prepared to support the amendment.