Mr. Speaker, once again the Minister of Fisheries and Oceans is making decisions that are costing jobs in Guysborough County, Nova Scotia.
In July I joined with the town of Canso, the Canso Trawlermen's Co-op and the local chapter of the Canadian Auto Workers in supporting Seafreez's request to the minister that the Canso plant continue to be allowed to process turbot caught by foreign offshore vessels.
Had the minister acted promptly, 300 jobs would have been created during the first six months of 1999. Moreover, Canso trawlermen would have had the opportunity to work on offshore vessels.
Instead, DFO waited five months before finally granting the request from Seafreez. Instead of 300 jobs for six months, the people of Canso and surrounding communities will be lucky to get 150 jobs for six weeks.
Meanwhile, there will be no offshore jobs for the trawlermen because of DFO's unacceptable foot-dragging.
On behalf of Guysborough County, I urge the Minister of Fisheries and Oceans to be more prompt in his decisions and start to work with our local people in bringing prosperity and hope to the local fishery workers and their families.