Mr. Speaker, yesterday one of the Senate's own members called on the red chamber to show some guts and expel absent Andy Thompson.
Who is this agent for accountability? He is Ron Ghitter, a red Tory bag man, a Mulroney sycophant, appointed in the dying days of the Tory chief's patronage orgy.
Who is this new found defender of the public interest? Last year he cost Canadians more than 150,000 tax dollars including $40,000 for travel alone.
Who is this model of excellence? Having shown up only 148 times since 1993, his attendance record is a pathetic 55%. What hypocrisy. Canadians simply do not buy this feigned outrage from an unelected and unaccountable political hack.
At least absent Andy Thompson has the decency to stay in Mexico and not pretend he is doing his job. As for Ron Ghitter, if this Mulroney hangover is so concerned about accountability, why does he not resign his seat so Albertans can elect their own senator?