Mr. Speaker, I am pleased to have the question from the MP for Lakeland with respect to the Reform style government that we had in Saskatchewan between 1982 and 1991. By the way, one of his colleagues is a former member of that Reform style government right here.
For the record, let me make two points. First, if Reform opposed and killed this bill there would be $14 billion in loans to small business people in this country that would be in default. They would have to pay back that money. It would put tens of thousands of businesses out of business right now. It is in support of putting small business people out of work, having its big business friends take over all the equity and jobs and send the money down to the States to their friends the Republican Party.
The second point is with respect to the FCC and the debt. We have the Reform Party of Saskatchewan that instituted a $16 billion debacle. It bankrupted the province of Saskatchewan in nine years under the Reform style government of Devine who promised the same thing the Reform Party has been promising for the last two years, less government, less tax and more jobs for people.
There was less tax and fewer jobs in Saskatchewan all right. The province is bankrupt because of the bloody policies of the Reform Party.
I say to the member who just asked the question that if we undertook in this country to follow Reform style policies with respect to small business there would be no small business. We would just have the Wells Fargo, the Cargills and the huge international conglomerates like Exxon running this country without any kind of opposition whatsoever.