Mr. Speaker, I would like to inform you that I am splitting my time with the member for Mississauga West.
Further to comments made on Bill C-22, I would like to point out that by extending the lending period and by raising the loan ceiling period we will be ensuring that more of these businesses will have continued access to the financing they need to grow and create jobs.
The SBLA program compares very favourably with similar programs that have been set up in other countries. A recent study was conducted by Dr. Alan Riding of Carleton University entitled “On the Care and Nurture of Loan Guarantee Programs”. The study examined many international programs similar to the SBLA program. In it Dr. Riding concluded that the SBLA scheme has much to recommend it. Among its more attractive features are its extraordinary low administrative costs and low costs associated with honouring guarantees.
Administrative costs and the costs of default associated with any other national approaches, whether it be U.S., U.K., Japan or Germany, are many times greater than those of the SBLA.
Clearly the SBLA is doing its job in support of Canada's small business sector and doing it well. The bill before us will permit the time needed to review the program as contemplated by Parliament when it provided for the current five year lending period.
I humbly request that the House of Commons pass this bill so that we can get on with the next phase which is a comprehensive review of the SBLA.