That is Canada. That is the Canadian Wheat Board. That is the Liberal government. That is the Canada we live in.
What did the judge do? He gave him a $2,000 fine and the crown prosecutor said hold it a minute, that is not tough enough, not for this terrible criminal. That is not enough, we have to increase that to $20,000, and that is what he did. So they got rid of one more farmer.
That is why farmers are mad today and why they are not going to sit by and look at legislation like this and leave it go. They are going to change it and they are going to make that wheat board accountable and they are going to make it transparent.
It happened before that farmers had to take the bull by the horns and do something, and they will do it this time. There is no rule, no law in this country that dictates that kind of treatment. Rapists and murderers are allowed to run loose on the streets and a farmer is thrown in jail for selling his grain at a proper price. That is Canada. That is the Liberal government.
When the minister is asked just to put a preamble into that bill that will say we have to be accountable to the farmer and sell the grain for the best price, he cannot do it. That is not democracy. Why not make a bill that spells out clearly what that bill should be doing? Oh no, I know what I have spent to get the wheat board to say finally we have absolutely no authority or responsibility or duty to a farmer. That bill is there for the government and the corporation. That is there and if hon. members want to change it, they can.
Tonight hon. members can be men and women who stand up for democracy and defeat this bill, because that is what every farmer in western Canada has said so far. Tear it up, start all over again because we need a wheat board that is accountable and that is going to work for us, not just for us but for this country, something that will protect democracy and will protect the rights of individuals.
If this bill is implemented the way it is, it sets at risk every marketing scheme in this country. It sets at risk every RRSP plan. It sets at risk every pension plan. Everything can be confiscated if this is the type of bill we are going to pass in this House.
I hope the Liberals take it to heart tonight and show that they are men and women who work for this country. Stand up and vote against the government. They will go down in history just like Andy McMechan some day will probably have his face carved on those snow carvings, being a real hero just like Louis Riel.