Mr. Speaker, I can read all the reports I want, but I have the facts in black and white.
Not only that, when the customs and revenue people laid $165,000 worth of forfeitures against the farmer who received $250,000 in bonuses for selling outside the pooling system, he filed a complaint against customs and revenue. Customs and revenue have not filed a defence to date. It is shocking. They admitted they were wrong.
What is the government doing? It prosecutes one farmer and throws him into shackles and it gives another farmer $250,000 in bonuses for selling outside the pooling system. Is the government just working for the rich or is it working for the farm family which tries to maintain and keep ownership of their land? Which way does it want it? It is in black and white.
This book says there were $42 million in costs to operate the board. But what did we lose as far as getting a reasonable price when the judge said there is no mandate to sell at the best price? Mr. McMechan could have made $6 if he had hauled his barley 25 miles from his home and he got $2 from the wheat board. How much did it cost him to operate the wheat board? I do not think he made too much money on that deal. If I am right, he lost his farm.