Mr. Speaker, I appreciated what the member had to say. I cannot agree with everything of course. I used to support the NDP at one point earlier in my life. However, I found out that its policies do not work and I became much more realistic.
One of the concerns the people of Saskatchewan have is that one of our main exports is young people. Why is that happening? Why are the young people leaving Saskatchewan? It is plain and simple. There are not any jobs available for them. Very few jobs are being created in that province.
Why are there very few job opportunities? Saskatchewan has the highest taxes in the country. What would happen if there were broad based tax cuts?
Let us lay politics aside. Let us forget about the left and the right and all the rest of it.
The question I have for the member is what creates real jobs in this society?
It is good to talk about education. However, in Saskatchewan we have a very low unemployment rate. Why? Because there are very few people looking for jobs. There are very few people left in that province because there are very few job opportunities. I agree with the member that there should not be cuts to education. We should not be making our young people pay the price for the debt and the high taxes.
However, what creates real jobs in this country? It is not more government programs. I hope the member would agree with that. Would the member agree, as has happened in many places around the world, that if we reduce taxes we begin to allow investment to take place and we allow people to keep their money so they can buy goods and services that produce real jobs.
Would he agree that is the main problem which young people face today? Education is important, but they can have all the education in the world and it will do them no good when it comes to getting a job.
What creates the real jobs in this country? That is the debate we should have. Let us lay politics aside and find out what creates the real jobs. That is what we should be doing in this place.