Mr. Speaker, the Minister of Finance has the gall to talk about dealing with the human deficit. What chutzpah.
This is the government that created the deficit with $7 billion in cuts to health, education and social service. It created it with cuts to employment insurance, training, pensions, the environment, child care and housing.
The results of this inhumane Liberal agenda is a crisis in health care, education, family incomes and communities everywhere.
In Winnipeg today nurses are saying emergency rooms are unsafe with IV bags going dry, vital signs not being checked, health aides working 24-hour shifts and patients waiting long painful hours for treatment.
In the face of these bleeding cuts to the provinces, the health minister is playing politics on hepatitis C compensation instead of showing leadership.
Canadians are sick to death of the human deficit created by this government and some have even given their lives for it. That is too high a price to pay.