Mr. Speaker, I thank the member for her comments and questions and for reading from another letter.
I believe farmers would have tears in their eyes because their very livelihood is affected by these stoppages that happen again and again. That is exactly what I was talking about.
As I was growing up, these were my friends and neighbours. I was in no way throwing aside the comments made in the letter. I was saying she was interpreting them loosely when she said that person was saying this legislation solved all the problems. That is nonsense. It does not.
To the quote from the other letter which said what farmers want is to provide a reliable supply of grain to their customers, that is exactly what they want. That is what this legislation will in no way deliver. All it will do is ensure that if grain makes it to the coast it will get loaded on the ships. That is only a short part of travel for grain. It has to move right from the elevator system to the coast first. That is more often than not where there is a problem. What good will it do to have these changes to ensure the ships are loaded when in many cases the grain never gets to the coast because of a work stoppage of some type?
We want to put it right through the complete grain system. It should be in other areas where people have no place at the table and are affected directly. That is what we want to do and that is what we are calling for. The letters are important, but let us interpret them accurately.