These facilities provide convicts with three square meals a day, complete medical and dental care, big screen TVs, rumpus rooms, and now at Ferndale there is the possibility of a golf driving range.
Although it is good to see that a convicted murderer can reduce his handicap while behind bars, in the real world I have met hundreds of families that cannot provide the basic necessities for their children. Last week when I was at Drumheller Institution I met six inmates marinating a beautiful Alberta rib eye steak.
What I would like this government to explain to the needy children of this country is: why convicts eat steak when they cannot afford macaroni; why inmates get free education and the poor have to wait to win the millennium scholarship lottery; why a low income family cannot afford to take its children to the dentist, but the dentist will pay a house call to Millhaven; and why our seniors suffer from poor health but convicts can have a sex change on demand.
Tell me Liberal Party, what is wrong with this picture?