Mr. Speaker, one issue that unites Canadians from coast to coast to coast is the issue of Senate reform.
It costs Canadian taxpayers approximately $60 million a year to run the Senate. In overwhelming numbers Canadians want the existing, unelected, unaccountable, undemocratic Senate abolished.
A Senate filled with political hacks, flacks and bagmen has no place in a modern day democracy, but despite his rhetoric the Prime Minister refuses to initiate any process of real Senate reform when opportunities occur.
Recently in British Columbia a Senate vacancy provided an opportunity for the Prime Minister to begin the process of real Senate reform.
The premier of British Columbia supports Senate abolition and Senate reform. The people of B.C. want to abolish the Senate. B.C. is fed up with the Senate. With 13% of the population of Canada it has less than 6% of the seats.
Why does the Prime Minister continue to ignore B.C.? Why does he not listen to the people of British Columbia? Why does he ignore the government and the premier of British Columbia calling for abolition of the Senate?
B.C. does not want another appointed senator. B.C. wants this Senate abolished.