Mr. Speaker, it is my great disappointment with the Government of Canada that I remind it of its responsibility to Canadians.
The Government of Canada in all its wisdom gave birth to a cycle of sickness, cultural genocide, incarceration, abuse and poverty. The aboriginal people affected by the government's actions have been fighting to regain their rightful place in society. They are fighting to be on strong social and economic ground.
The government has failed to recognize that in order to survive there must be a greater investment in aboriginal communities, investment directed to health, education, housing and water and sewer projects.
In Manitoba alone housing shortages in the thousands have forced one mother to place two of her children in a foster home. The home where they lived could not hold everyone. She was forced to leave her community and go to the city just to have a roof over her head.
The government's EI policy has forced hundreds of part time and seasonal aboriginal workers on to the welfare system: fishermen, guides and loggers. Most cannot travel the country looking for another part time job. If the cycle is to ever end the government must be willing to make a serious investment in aboriginal people.