Mr. Speaker, in yesterday's Toronto Sun , one of the dailies of Quebec's friend Conrad Black, their editorial cartoonist, Donato, suggested another way for Canadians to express their love for Quebec. We still remember all those Canadian patriots converging on Montreal in 1995 to tell us how much they loved us.
Yesterday, the cartoonist went one better than that. His drawing, with the caption “An open letter to the Bloc MPs” shows the Canadian flag proudly flying on “the finger” instead of a flagpole. I think that is an excellent idea.
In the next referendum, I would like to see all those Canadian patriots returning to invade the streets of Montreal, with the tab picked up by Option Canada, accept Donato's suggestion and express their love by sticking a little maple leaf flag, graciously provided by Heritage Canada, on their raised middle fingers.
All Quebeckers will immediately understand this message of love and tolerance, and will act accordingly.