Madam Speaker, on the first point, I do not think there is any question that this bill is well aimed at the deceptive telemarketers because of its provision for wiretapping.
One of the problems with telemarketing as it exists now is how does one get the evidence if one did not receive the phone call. I believe this is the reason why the government has put this provision in the bill. It is a very controversial provision and I would hope there is considerable debate in committee on it. However, at this glance I do support the provision.
Second, very clearly the bill is aimed at deceptive telemarketing by providing Criminal Code penalties for deceptive telemarketers. Again, not to repeat myself, I just wish the bill were designed so that it would catch not for profit organizations as well as for profit organizations.
Finally, there are difficulties with the mergers of major corporations. It is a heartbreak when a store closes down and people are put out of work. However, it is very dangerous in a free enterprise society for a government to intrude with the rights of the marketplace to sort out the weak from the strong. Usually in a merger environment what is happening is that there has been change in public taste and because of that certain businesses and industries have weakened. Insurance and retail shopping are two classic cases where there have been major changes in public taste and public purchasing. The ultimate end to that is that there is a consolidation of the industry which leads to mergers which, I do regret, leads to the loss of jobs.