Mr. Speaker, we have certainly heard a lot of sound and fire, signifying nothing. I do not think this member or his party has anything to teach us about tolerance when we have his government in Quebec which says that even in Chinatown the use of English is incorrect on signs.
We have the Government of Quebec that has invoked the notwithstanding clause. We have the Government of Quebec that has a committee that says they cannot have an organization named the Montreal English Academy in spite of the fact that they are the language police.
I remind the member that it was his member who went to Nagano at Canadian taxpayers' expense, costing probably in the neighbourhood of $15,000, to attend the olympics.
She not only brought this whole issue to a boil as a result of her very intemperate comments with respect to the show of patriotism of our Canadian athletes in Nagano, but she also said that one of the reasons why she was there was so that she could make contact with and learn about international affairs.
If and when she and the colleagues in that party are ever to get their wish of being able to smash Canada, she would be able to represent the country of Quebec to the international community. She was doing this at Canadian taxpayers' expense.
I point out that if we had followed the Liberal motion proposed by the House leader rather than as an issue being terminated tonight, this issue at the Liberal request would be dragged out until the middle of June. I cannot imagine anything more destructive. It will be terminated tonight as a result of a vote.
Further, I quote Mr. Speaker yesterday from Hansard . He said:
—I have been challenged to show my colours as a patriotic Canadian by allowing the unfettered display of flags in the Chamber. This would constitute an unprecedented unilateral change to the practice of the House of Commons, a change, my colleagues, that no Speaker has the authority to make. So, whatever pressure that I have to do so, I cannot and I will not abrogate such authority to myself. Unless and until the House decides otherwise, no displays will be allowed and the current practice will be upheld.
His words, were “unless and until the House decided otherwise, no displays will be allowed”. The whole purpose of this motion is to get on to the floor exactly that question so that we will be able to see which members of this Chamber choose to support the separatists and not permit the display of flags in this Chamber.