Mr. Speaker, I would like to acknowledge the extraordinary work done by Paix-Cible. This organization was set up in the Saint-Nom-de-Jésus parish, in the Rivière-du-Moulin area of Chicoutimi.
Its involvement is focused on social education and community action, and is aimed at people of all ages. Through concrete action, Paix-Cible wants to create a peace and harmony movement that will expand to the whole city, the whole region and, why not, the whole country.
The organization also created and inaugurated the Paix-Cible flag. The flag symbolizes the peace that the whole world longs for. The stylized dove covers the Earth from east to west, while its yellow beak provides light to the peoples of the Earth, which are represented by the five colours of the tail.
I am pleased to table this document, which confirms the creation and development of the organization.