(a) The government has made no preparation for what remains a highly hypothetical scenario. That being said, Canadian forces members swear an oath of allegiance and are subject to the code of service discipline contained in the National Defence Act. In addition, the mission of the Department of National Defence, DND, and the Canadian forces, CF, to defend Canada and Canadian interests and values while contributing to international peace and security is clearly outlined in numerous documents including the 1994 defence white paper. Canadian forces members understand their role and are proud of their contribution and accomplishments in promoting Canadian interests. At a time when the continued existence of the nation is being debated and national symbols take on more importance than ever, the unifying role of the department and the forces can only build a stronger, more dynamic and prosperous country.
(b) The Canadian forces must always act and be seen to be acting in an apolitical manner. There is no intent to limit healthy discussion of a private nature, however, public announcements and discussions that could lead to the assumption that any such statements are CF or DND policy must be avoided, and CF members are made fully aware of this through various regulations and orders which govern political activities on defence establishments and personal political activities of CF members.