He says no. If he had been there, he would have felt much different about it than his comments would indicate.
The Liberal Party because it represents the vast majority of Canadians in its thinking I suppose takes the best of socialist ideas and the best of conservative ideas and brings those better ideas together in a moderate balanced approach to governing this country.
I take issue with the NDP attitude toward corporations. I am in favour of fair and appropriate taxation for corporations, including banks. But the NDP have this idea or socialists in general have this idea that corporations are people. They are not people. Corporations are owned by shareholders. Those shareholders are average Canadians, their pension funds, and in many cases union pension funds. Corporations are owned by people. Those same people are voters. They are smart enough to know that if we tax a corporation to death, then of course the jobs will be lost that go with that corporation. There has to be a balance. We cannot have a taxation regime that moves jobs out of the country.
If it is all about creating jobs for our citizens I would put the record of this government in front of any person anywhere in the world with pride. We are not there yet. I will concede that. But we are on a track in this country that is the envy of the world. I would take our prospects over the prospects of any other nation for the months and years ahead.