Mr. Speaker, the 1998 low salmon returns in British Columbia are a direct result of shortfalls in returning four-year old spawning salmon. The late returning Fraser River sockeye run was fished out within 12 hours in 1994. The 1994 disaster led to a major re-examination of DFO policy and gave a black eye to the department. Now the minister is blaming some guy called El NiƱo and a host of other things rather than accepting responsibility for disastrous fishery management on both coasts, affecting the livelihood of tens of thousands. This is despite clear evidence to the contrary.
Why is the minister refusing to accept responsibility and to make the tough decisions?
The Liberals are an odd lot Always hoping to change the plot Campaigning for the byelection They are hoping for a resurrection But after Monday this fact they will dread In B.C. the red heads are dead