Mr. Speaker, the minister of Indian affairs has failed to take timely action on two major issues affecting the well-being of grassroots aboriginal people living on the Fairford Indian reserve in my riding.
The chief and council have mismanaged the band's finances. One serious aspect of this is that the band has not paid the Lakeshore school division for off-reserve schooling to the tune of $121,000. The children will not be allowed to attend school this fall if the payment is not made. The children are under emotional stress and the local taxpayers are under financial stress.
The second situation involves the appeal of the October 4, 1997 Fairford band elections. Political instability on the reserve is causing massive problems.
These are only two of the problems on the reserve but they are two that the minister has a direct responsibility to resolve. The minister has been aware of these problems for a long time and still no resolution.
I am asking the minister of Indian affairs on behalf of thousands of my constituents, both aboriginal and non-aboriginal, to make payment to the school division and to adjudicate the election appeal forthwith.