(a) 2,251 projections were prepared by the office of the chief actuary of the Canada Pension Plan since the tabling of the 15th actuarial report in February 1995, for the purpose of developing the federal-provincial agreement on the CPP.
(b) Three full time officials and one half time official were employed by the chief actuary in the Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions.
(c) No private consultants were involved in preparing projections.
(d) None, as private consultants were not involved.
(e) The 2,251 projections were prepared after the February 1995 tabling of the 15th CPP actuarial report and continued to the present.
(f) The Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions received $1,375,000 in 1996-97 from the CPP account to provide ongoing actuarial services for the CPP, including the preparation of actuarial reports required by the CPP act and all other actuarial services relating to the CPP. These funds covered all salaries and other goods and services. The office received no additional resources to prepare projections for the review.